2025 Conference March 4th - 6th, 2025
25th Anniversary
2022 New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show
Registration is Now Open!
This year’s education program will include our largest speaker line-up in our 25-year history. The trade show if filling, sponsors are enthusiastically signing up and the city of Providence is looking forward to our arrival on March 8th! All Providence hotel facilities and restaurants are once again open and ready to welcome you!
You will notice a new look as you register online. We tried to make it simpler and inclusive. If you are registering with a credit card, check or even a purchase order you will be able to preregister without a hassle. Just fill in all the required information, select the seminars and show days you wish to attend and then choose your payment method. You will then be directed to submit your orders and invoices to your accounting office, but in the
meantime, you are signed up for the show. Credit card, check or purchase order are all available there. You can still download registration forms and submit it for approval as we have done it in the past, but 2022 Registering for the Conference and Show has never been easier!
Your registration will also put you on our Covid-Information list for the show as we approach the show, we will keep you informed of any changes to the show attendance requirements through email and this website. We are optimistic that all will go well!
We look forward to seeing you in Providence March 8-10, 2022!
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.